YouTube is planning a new service to broadcast music for next year

According to reports, a new YouTube music service, which is expected to be available in the next few months, is being developed. The project, currently called Remix, will not offer any distinct functionality, as it is reported that it will … Continue reading YouTube is planning a new service to broadcast music for next year

Softbank acquires Boston robot maker of Alphabet

It seems that Alphabet did not reach its goal in the field of Android decided to abandon its companies, as the Japanese giant Internet giant Softbank announced the acquisition of two companies, Boston Dynamics and Schaft belonging to the company Alphabet Holding. Google had acquired Boston Dynamics four years ago, but since last year it began looking for an opportunity to sell it and Toyota was a willing company. But logically, there is no better thing for Japanese people to get specialized companies in Android, which is characterized by advanced technologies and huge investments in this field, which robot volunteers … Continue reading Softbank acquires Boston robot maker of Alphabet

The Alphabet-based Waymo began testing self-propelled trucks

The company has confirmed that it has started its first step in testing self-propelled trucks, according to exclusive news agency BuzzFeed News. A spokesman for Waymo said the transfer of self-driving techniques from ordinary cars to trucks would reduce the annual death rate and hurt truck drivers. He added that the company will transfer its eight-year experience and develop it in the development of self-driving techniques for trucks. The company stated that it is currently driving a small truck and this is for data collection only, with intentions to transfer the experience to larger trucks over time. Waymo’s efforts began … Continue reading The Alphabet-based Waymo began testing self-propelled trucks