Instagram allows you to add a friend to your live stream

I do not know if you prefer live streaming on Instagram or Facebook, but Instagram has a new feature in live streaming that may prompt you to try it again – you can add someone else on the stream to appear with you.

Instagram has started testing the feature two months ago and has now extended it to all its users gradually. You can invite another friend to watch the video now and add it to join the live broadcast with you to show your friends.

During the live broadcast you will find the add button at the corner of the screen and by clicking on it, a list of viewers from your friends will be displayed to choose which one to subscribe to the live broadcast. This means that live broadcasts can now show two people together, and you can always remove the current person and add others.

With the presence of two people in the live stream, interaction can be increased and thus the user’s survival rate within the application itself is what Entgram always aspires to. To get the feature you need to update the Instagram application on both Android and iPhone.




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